Tuesday 22 February 2011

back from sardinia

I have been away for a week and realise that the blog was not updated for long time.
I was in Sardinia with Christopher and visiting my family and checking our house on the north of the island.
With my brother Peter we went to work in the countryside preparing the canes for the new vines to be planted, plus more fruit trees. The idea is to improve the land we own, planting more vines, fruit trees, olive trees and also trying to cultivate more varieties of vegetables . peas and broad beans have already been planted and wild herbs are growing in abundance.
It is not spring but feels and looks like it.
Ground elder, dandelions, wild fennel and wild asparagus are already there in big quantities.
I have tried to eat food without buying it from shops during this week. I did use left overs from a good meal from my mother house when we were there on Sunday, and Christopher and me had three meals. The only food we bought was a Sardinia sausage which we roasted in the fire, and as I promise to Chris, we went to a restaurant the last night we were in our house. pizza was his choice. I had sea food.

But i did have myself three meals with wild herbs, using my mother home made bread and cheese from a friend of mine. A Shepperd whom provides us cheese, lamb and small piglets when we need it.
Some pictures below showed some of my meals.
I also tried our new wine and this year is a very good one. Full bodied , medium dry at about 14.5 alcohol content. We made about 450 litres of it. it sound a lot, but by the time you diveded within three families is just sufficent. Few litres are sold and some other  are doneted as presents. it is a costume to exchange products that way.
Some of the herbs collected in sardinia for my meals. Dandelion leaves, wild asparagus and wild fennel.
Boiled wild herbs with olives  and pecorino cheese all melted in the pan.
Same herbs but with our valnuts.
The pizza I made last night. In the glass is my apple wine.

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