Tuesday 23 November 2010


Yesterday I have received 2 pheasants and today I cleaned them and stored in the freezer.
I also received the flour ,so I can make more pasta to give it in exchange of these birds. I have cooked the hearts and liver with a small piece of breast for my lunch. It was delicious.So tasty and fresh.
For tonight I will have a bit more of the rabbit stew I made the other day,with some bread and cheese. The potatoes I have cooked on Sunday night were too many, so I had some of them at lunch and for dinner.
Tomorrow I have to have some greens to balance the diet. I am not worried in eating pasta every day, but meat is not the same. I have lots of game but only some pike fish cakes left, so I am saving them for now.
I was asked from some friends if I could do some pasta making demonstration, so I am thinking to arrange a date before Christmas. I will be happy to know that some families  will be preparing home made pasta during the festive days. When four years ago  we promote a mushroom festival the people who participate were all very enthusiastic. We should actually try to promote events like this one more often, because it bring people together, and you will be meeting new friends and doing something more rewarding for yourself in terms of learning new things, socialising, and keep healthier. For example we should organise a apple festival,a house home made cooking display e so on. Share things and knowledge and products.
 Some pictures of my lunch tomorrow.
hearth, liver and breast

My lunch. What is better than this?

Today 24th November . This is my new condiment for my gnocchi. I wanted to use plenty of vegetables, so I made some pasta gnocchi and boil a carrot, a parsnip,a turnip( small )and some cabbage( all these are cultivated). All this was then chopped and fried adding the heart and liver of 2 partridges.When pasta was ready I mixed all together to create a new dish. No bad at all. For dinner I finish off the rest of the stew rabbit with some of the vegetables left. ( I have still more for another two meals). I know, it looks that I am eating same dish three o four time , but there is no other  way. Like in the past, you have to eat all of it even if you have to eat it more than once. here some pictures of today.
All the ingredients in the pan

Dish ready

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